"If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you."
- Steve Jobs
We want to improve the quality of life for people and optimize the opportunities for personal development.

We want to develop digital tools that make it motivating and challenging to work on improving your visual performance – eye, body, and brain.

We want to be the innovative first choice when it comes to digital tools that aim at improving the visual performance.

Our core values: passion, insight, integrity and ambition are an integral part of everything we do, when it comes to creating digital tools that aim at giving people expanded opportunities.

We work passionately and with a burning desire and belief that we can create digital tools that enable people to improve themselves and optimize their everyday lives.
Everything we develop is based on people and their specific situations. We develop in close dialogue and collaboration with professional specialists and the people who work with our solutions.
We are true to our concept, and our desire and goal to create digital tools that can improve the quality of life for people.
We are ambitious in our goals and execution, and our own belief in our concept and product overcomes the fear of failure.
- We respect ourselves and each other, recognizing that we are a small team working towards a common goal.
- We have respect for our solutions and are dedicated to deliver on what we promise, as well as ensuring the functionality and quality in everything we do.
- We have a respect and an understanding of human diversity, as well as the different individual needs and situations.
- We have respect and understanding for the future, and the increasing digitalisation.