Preventive exercises for your eyes
EYEBAB Care is a preventative online training, developed for companies and individuals, who want to make a preventive effort and ensure that they are fit, both visually and mentally, even on a busy workday.
The purpose of the exercises is to activate the 12 eye muscles, and give the eyes an optimizing workout, through versatile and stimulating exercises.
EYEBAB Care, aims to assist you in your digital daily life with a preventive training of your visual skills.
The program is based on the professionalism of functional optometry, and is created in collaboration with specialists in digitization – so you can train where you are.
It’s time to Care
EYEBAB Care focuses on breaking the monotonous visual habits, such as a lot of scrolling, and massive close-up work that in the long run can affect the visual function.
During an EYEBAB Care training, the computer serves as the focal point for both testing and training. You can train where you are and with the PC equipment already used in the workplace, or at home. The training is not time-consuming and can be completed through small training sessions throughout the workday.
By training your eyes, you can get the maximum benefit from your screen time, and consider it as a healthy digital choice that can contribute to physical and mental well-being.
It’s time to Care
80% of people who spend more than 3 hours daily in front of the screen complain of discomfort, such as headaches, and difficulty concentrating.
80% of people who spend more than 3 hours daily in front of the screen complain of discomfort, such as headaches, and difficulty concentrating.
Get started with eyebab care
For private use
Per month
Create a personal account, and start doing your preventive vision and brain exercises today. A visual and cognitive assessment is included, so you get the best possible training recommendation, and evaluation of your skills and abilities.
Organization & Company
N.B. You get an administrator access through which employee accounts can be created.
Get started with EYEBAB Care
Monotonous screen work can overload your eyes
We live in a time where we are bombarded with visual input that forces our visual skills on a constant overtime. The increasing digitalisation places great demands on our vision. As a result of COVID-19, even more screen work has been necessary.
The problem however is that our vision can not always keep up with the digital age, and too much closeup work. As a result of COVID-19, the incidence of myopia has increased markedly.

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The challenges of working from home
The time spent in front of the screen has increased, and the working conditions have changed. For many, working from home has become a new everyday life. The homework office has been decorated with height adjustable tables made from ironing boards, and cardboard box shows on the dining table.
The large, and many screens in the workplace, have been replaced with smaller screens, and the distance to the screen varies from day to day.
The change in digital behavior has made our new screen habits a necessity to keep society running, but put a cost on our health and well-being account.
Visual congestion due to monotonous screen work can result in problems such as: headache, dry eyes, difficulty concentrating, irritated eyes, exhaustion, fatigue. These are directly related to CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome) or OES (Office Eye Syndrome).

Computer Vision Syndrome, and Office Eye Syndrome:
- Headache
- Myopia
- Exhaustion
- Difficulty concentrating
- Fatigue
- Dizziness/nausea
- Eye irritation/dry eyes
- Nausea
- Low endurance
- Neck and shoulder pain
- Challenges of remote/myopic conversion
- Low productivity
Healthy digital choices
Even though our vision is staring us right in the face, there is not much focus on its importance for our quality of life and productivity.
Indeed, much of our daily eye traffic is single-tracked, and the brain therefore allows us to run on autopilot when surfing the digital wave. It does so to save energy.
About 80% of all learning happens through our visual input, and therefore the brain is built with a smart spam filter that sorts out all sensory information that is deemed unnecessary – such as the fact that we can see our nose at all times – an information the brain chooses to ignore.
Training the visual setup provides the brain with new, spontaneous, and stimulating input, which ultimately makes us more efficient, at work and in our private life.

Sign up
Register with your personal email.
Create user
Choose your username and create a password.
Choose subscription
Select your payment plan; monthly or annual.
Complete payment, and start training with EYEBAB Care.

All-In-One for everyone
Like all types of training, training with EYEBAB Care is personal. You get a personal login where you can follow your training, and your skills.
It is an all-inclusive initiative that customizes the training to fit your needs. The system contains a screening module that, among other things, takes into account concussions.
The system is controlled by an artificial intelligence – the more you train, the better the training program’s algorithms become, and are thereby continuously adapted to your individual level.
With EYEBAB Care you get tailor-made training.
With a simple login, EYEBAB Care can be used for:
- Professional screening
- Test
- Tailor-made AI facilitated training
- Referral to a specialist
- Training where you are, as you are, without the use of extra equipment
- Real-time measurable results
A vision geared to everyday life
The future is digital, and it is a very demanding task for our vision to keep up. Just as our computers require an update every now and then, and an antivirus program, so does our vision.
Prevention, and optimization of visual skills, is a good initiative to break with the monotonous, scrolling tendencies.
When performing our daily tasks, it is important that our vision is not overloaded. Any overload can affect our concentration and endurance.
To create the most optimal working conditions, and visual conditions, there are also other factors that can be beneficial to focus on, such as:

- Lighting
- Ergonomics
- Pauses
- Visual acuity
- Need for correction/glasses
- Insufficient eyesight
Studies show that training your visual setup can help reduce the risk of stress, reduce the number of sick days, and make you more resilient towards everyday tasks.
Get started with EYEBAB Care
Contact us for more information
T: +45 77 34 77 36
E: mail@eyebab.com